Is 2017 the year to get your website in shape? We’ve compiled 5 simple tips that will help you improve your website UX.

1. Clean up your content 

People read 25% slower when viewing content on a screen. With this is mind, do not present too much content to the user at one time. The key is to make your content comprehensive enough that Google recognises this as high quality content - without overwhelming users with too much information. 

As people normally only ready 20% of content, it is always good practise to start each page with an easy to read summary. Users then know from the offset that they are in the right place to find the information they are looking for. 

Tabbed content is also a great way to get your message across succinctly by breaking up text into relevant categories from which your users can choose what they would like to read. 

2. Use descriptive anchor text 

Don’t hyperlink phrases such as ‘click here’ and ‘find out more’ – instead, hyperlink the actual term that the user may want to find out more about e.g. check out our bridal planning guide.  Not only will the user understand the context of the link from a quick scan of the page but descriptive anchor text also has SEO benefits.

3. Add content hierarchy 

Creating hierarchy through content and call-to-actions make for a better user experience. Simple changes like making primary call-to-actions more prominent will direct the user into completing the task they wish to complete (e.g. a ‘Sign Up’ button should stand out far more that a ‘Back’ button).

Splitting text with headings and sub headings also adds hierarchy, ordering content so users are able to navigate their way around larger areas of text easily.

4. Slim down your page load times 

Always be conscious of this. Only include media that is necessary to the narrative. Decorative imagery should be avoided, as they will not aid the message. Optimising images by cropping, resizing and compressing them can help increase page speed significantly i.e. if the image will be displayed at a maximum of 300 pixels wide, upload the image at 300px wide not 600px. Not only will this satisfy the user’s expectation for immediacy, but Google will also rank this page more highly.

5. Ensure CTAs are benefit orientated 

Use terms that actually explain what the form is going to do and the benefit to the user for example ‘Register’, ‘Sign Up’, ‘Start your free trial’.

Make it clear what it is you’re offering and what it is you want your users to do, whether it is to complete a contact form, or purchase a product - ensure that the process is straightforward and clear.

What simple UX changes have produced the best results for you? Comment below with your success stories - feel free to add any other simple UX tips that have proved fruitful for you too.


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