Beyond copy and links; building relationships and achieving quality links that drive real ROI. In our upcoming Brunch and Learn style webinar, Reflect Digital's Head of Content & Digital PR, Joanna Earle shares how brands can do more in 2024 with pro-active planning and relationship building to get noticed in the places that drive the biggest returns. We'll also explore the role of behavioural science in PR and how brands can go after more relevant publications with content that is more likely to resonate by incorporating motivational principles and psychological nudges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic Planning for Success: Discover why a robust digital PR strategy is non-negotiable.
  • Crafting Content that Connects: Build a content calendar that aligns with your USPs and leverages insights from behavioural science to create content that resonates.
  • Success Stories: See how we've helped brands elevate their own approach by focusing on relationship-building and behavioural science to yield remarkable results.
  • Q&A with a Journalist: Ever wondered how journalists perceive PR pitches? We've got you covered! Engage in an interactive Q&A session, featuring a seasoned journalist who will shed light on what captures their attention and how to build fruitful journalist relationships.

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