Email marketing is certainly not dead! According to HubSpot, “59% of B2B marketers say email is the most effective channel for generating revenue.”

However, with the average office employee receiving around 80 emails a day, it has become harder and harder to stand out from the crowd – no thanks to the increase in junk mail and spam circulating.


So how do you use email campaigns as an effective marketing strategy?

  1. Acknowledge mobile marketing

More and more people are opening emails via a mobile device. Using mobile-responsive email templates that adapt to screen sizes ensures that your readers always have the optimal viewing experience. If they can’t quickly and easily read your email, chances are they won’t read it at all. This is worrying because last year 22% of UK businesses had ‘non-existent’ mobile email strategy.

  1. Segment your database

Segmenting a database is all about sending highly relevant targeted emails. By creating separate lists and campaigns for groups of contacts based on their interests, customer status and history allows you to send hyper-relevant information that recipients are more likely to engage with.

By looking after your database, it really forces you to adopt the principles of marketing because you are getting to know your audience and what works. You can then feed this new information back into other campaigns such as PPC/SEO and Social Media.

That’s the beauty of email marketing! With the business world continually changing and evolving, email marketing provides the perfect solution to reach the right audiences at the right time.

  1. Make it personal

Segmenting your database also allows you to produce more specific, personalised content. Not only can you send personalised emails with your user’s name or login name, but many email marketing solutions offer the ability to feed in personalised information such as sales or purchase history. If you can reach your users on a personal level, they will be more likely to open your emails, read the content, take action and give you feedback.

  1. Track and Test

A huge benefit of email marketing is that it’s easy to see where you are going wrong. Most email marketing software will allow you to track open, click-through and conversion rates, making it simple to spot how a campaign can be improved.

A/B split testing is a great way to evolve your email campaign. By dividing your email list into two parts and sending your audience two different emails, you can test which one gets the better response. You can then leverage this data and use it in future campaign to achieve optimal results and optimum ROI.

Email marketing offers a greater insight into the success and failure of a campaign compared with more traditional marketing channels. You can easily dig deeper and see how long recipients spend reading your emails, as well as the devices they use to access them. Monitoring these analytics provides incredibly valuable – and actionable – insight into what’s working and what isn’t with your campaign.

  1. Social Media Integration

You can easily integrate your social media icons within emails to allow social sharing to be part of your email strategy, thus helping to further spread the visibility of your campaign. By including social share buttons on your emails, you are encouraging your readers to continue the conversation with their own networks – especially if they like what they see!

To Conclude

Email marketing should never be underestimated. When done right, email marketing data and social data can be used to create high value and personalised messaging. At Reflect Digital we will work with you to provide your company with great ROI and prove the potential still held by email campaigns.



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