Happy Valentine’s day!!

valentines day


We are excited to be able to announce our 6 winners of the #faceonamug competition.

@HRLawyerPurvis, nurse he wrote us a little poem – Roses are red, healing violets are blue, you know what would be ace, your mug with my face! #faceonamug #win #competition

@Annalogik, she gave us a colourful and observant reason – My face should be on a mug because I’ve been wondering for a year now who is going to get the orange one!! #faceonamug

@tweetygraffity, is a lawyer with the police on her mind – I want my #faceonamug to save the police photographer the bother…

@caz-howard, wants to bring happiness with her mug – My face should be on a mug so I can brighten someones day with a brew and a smile

@CustCapture, he’s been mugged – My face should be on a mug so that I can say that I’ve been mugged by the lovely team at Reflect Digital!

and finally…

@GiraffeCVs, is going to be including us in her tea round – My face should be on a mug because @GiraffeCVs are so close by – I could practically chink with you guys when I brew up.

Thank you for all of the fantastic entries and we look forward to sharing some photos of the finished products!!



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