Understanding Digital Marketing

Aspiration Digital, wow, where do I start? What an amazing event to experience as a student, it opened my eyes to so many opportunities and careers in the digital industry that the curriculum just doesn’t cover!

At school, you’re never really taught that much about digital marketing, don’t get me wrong there’s crossover in subjects like IT, English, Design and Media but there are so many gaps that it’s hard to fully grasp what a career in digital could look like.

So when I heard about Aspiration Digital, I absolutely jumped at the opportunity to attend, as I was eager to find out more about the different careers available in this industry and the various routes to get there. I was still unsure of my future plans after school, all I knew was that the prospect of going straight into a job appealed to me much more than going to university - so I was excited to hopefully gain some further guidance from the guest speakers at the event. 

Working can be fun if you love what you do! 

The breakout sessions were the highlight for me - it was brilliant being able to select the different streams as I could choose the best sessions that matched my interest. It was so inspiring to hear the speakers talk about their journeys to finding a career in digital and what a typical day might look like as an Account Manager or an SEO. The talks made me feel so excited at the prospect of starting a full-time job and made me realise that work can be really great fun if you love what you do! 

The power of Linkedin

Another great part of the day was the big group session held in the main hall, as the lineup of speakers were fantastic. They were inspiring, knowledgeable and really helped to highlight all of the opportunities available in the digital industry. I particularly loved a talk on the power of Linkedin, delivered by Mark Gaisford at Redsprout, which at the time was a digital recruitment agency. I never thought Linkedin was relevant to me as a student, I thought it was only used by those working full time, however, having listened to Mark’s inspiring talk about the platform I understood the importance of getting my name out there, interacting and building connections with business leaders and inspiring digital contacts. Straight after the event, I was motivated to create a Linkedin profile and begin networking with like-minded people. 

My journey into digital

I’m so grateful for my experience at Aspiration Digital, the event really helped to cement my decision on going into the digital marketing industry. Before the conference, I’d considered doing something creative as a job but had no idea what that might be or how to make it happen, but after speaking with those speaking and exhibiting on the day I knew it was the right fit for me.

After building great connections at the event and making the most of the networking sessions, I went on to work closely with Reflect Digital and ended up securing a job in September 2019 having finished my A-Levels in June that year. I am now working at Reflect Digital as a Senior Account Executive and it’s been a fantastic experience. It’s opened my eyes to the value of digital and how impactful it can be for a range of industries. My experience at Reflect Digital has been invaluable, I’ve up-skilled in ways I never imagined and was even inspired to start my own e-commerce business. 

The next steps in my career

I have loved agency life so much, it’s fast-paced, exciting and you work alongside so many experts that it gives you the opportunity to absorb so much knowledge and grow. From client pitches to creative brainstorming, I can honestly say that not one day is ever the same. However, my love (obsession) for fashion influenced me to move brand side within the retail industry and I have just landed a position as Marketing Executive at Ted Baker for the Brand Licensed Partners team.

Aspiration Digital has played a huge part in my development and decision making, it helped me to fully understand what a career in marketing looked like and empowered me to choose another route other than university. I am incredibly grateful that I got to experience this conference and be inspired by the amazing speakers there. I couldn’t recommend this event enough!

You can read more about the next Aspiration Digital career conference happening in 2022 here


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