Remaining positive in a crisis isn’t always easy, but now more than ever we need to come together with a sense of community and resolve. 

During this tricky time, we’ve been looking at how brands have been tackling the negativity surrounding Covid-19 by innovating and turning the situation around with humour, creativity and product innovation.

Here are some campaigns we have seen which made us smile and feel a little bit warmer inside. 


TimeOut have actually changed their branding across social media and on their website to reflect the changes to society. 

They adapted their marketing in order to make light of a difficult situation.

TimeOut are able to use humour as part of their strategic plan during this situation, but does it work for all businesses? This is something that needs to be considered when you are thinking about how to market during these difficult times. Can you bring light-hearted humour into your messaging to show a more humane approach?


This is one of our personal favourites before lockdown. We can’t tackle the global situation alone and need to support each other to get through tough times.  We are so thankful for key workers and the NHS staff putting it all on the line to help those affected. 

We loved that Pret a Manger were focusing their marketing campaign on giving back to the NHS staff whilst they could remain open. It has really spread positivity and will be remembered and appreciated by consumers for a long time. This will not only increase brand awareness, but also encourage long-lasting loyalty toward the franchise. 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a key role in business strategy during this tricky time. If businesses show focus on the community before profit and demonstrate the ways in which they are trying to help, they are more likely to be remembered for this and be at the forefront of consumers' minds in the future.


Brewdog are being really clever releasing “BREWGEL Punk Sanitiser”.

Yes it’s a great way for them to capitalise on the opportunity due to the hand sanitiser shortages, but it is also something the nation desperately needs so what a great way to innovate. 

This also creates more brand awareness for them and shows that they are reactive to changes in society. 


Another little bit of comical genius which was released in response to the surge of panic buying across the nation. 

Private Eye has changed the front page of their magazine in line with the lack of toilet paper on the shop shelves. They are sharing some positivity in light of the panic buying and finding the funny side to it all. It’s a very memorable campaign which keeps them relevant and front of mind with readers.

Would humour work in your approach? It is important to understand your audience and evaluate whether humour would work as it needs to be used sensitively because the true reality of the current situation we are in is very scary.



Luxury brands have long been under threat, and in the current climate, face to face shopping is not at the top of most people's agenda. So what can brands do?

Louis Vuitton are also making hand sanitiser to try and tackle Covid-19. Their marketing differs from BrewDogs as they are making the hand sanitisers for free. This is great for brand awareness and also shows Louis Vuitton giving back to society. 

Whilst working from home, the majority of us have a great opportunity to think creatively about how our brands can adjust to new market challenges. It is also important to consider that everyone else is at home as well. 

With the knowledge that most consumers will be staying at home for several weeks ahead,  is there a way that you can adjust your product or service to be relevant with the recent times?

From the campaigns we have researched, our key takeaway is that you need to make sure that your marketing remains human and relatable above all else right now. It also needs to bring value to your audience. There is so much noise out there at the moment, you need to stand out to your audience, this can be done through providing value or light-heartedness at a time when people need it!


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