Hannah spent a year with us at Reflect Digital while at university, here's a summary of her year Placement.

Who are you and what do you do?

Hey, I'm Hannah - I'm currently studying Advertising and Marketing Comms at De Montfort University but have undertaken a year's Digital Marketing placement at Reflect Digital! My role for the year has been Digital Marketing and Accounts Executive. 


Why digital marketing?

I've always been interested in marketing, especially how it is so influential on buyer behaviour and the impact it has on individuals behaviours, norms and values. However, I've never really known the full extent of digital marketing until coming to Reflect Digital. It's been great to focus on Search Engine Optimisation for the year and get a true understanding of how to rank well in Google search engine results pages.


Why Reflect Digital?

Reflect Digital is like one big family. It's such a great environment to be in - everyone is extremely friendly, so passionate about their job and proud to work for a great organisation. It's the drive, the passion and determination in the office which really makes it worth coming to work each day. 


What's the biggest thing you've learnt?

It's hard to narrow it down to just one thing. My 15 months at Reflect Digital have been a continual learning process. From learning how to manage a client account to understanding how to improve the technical SEO elements of a site. I've come away from my placement year with so much knowledge and understanding of the SEO world.


Biggest challenges?

My biggest challenges this year have been understanding the technical SEO elements and web development jargon. I've tried to learn more about the development side of things for a better understanding of everything as a whole, and to break down the language barrier so we can work in unison with a web development team to achieve a better outcome.


The future?

My time at Reflect Digital has been a big eye-opener about the types of roles available in Digital Marketing. It's reaffirmed that I want to pursue a career in Digital Marketing and would love to focus on improving my skills and knowledge in SEO further.


Have a project you would like to discuss?