Is it that we are afraid of change? Is it that we don’t understand the future of the technology surrounding us so we’d rather not move forward?

Since ‘Mobilegeddon’, when Google updated it’s algorithm to include mobile friendliness of a website as a ranking factor, clients are having to make huge changes to their digital space.

Businesses out there unaware of this update are suffering and are without information on what impact this will have on their website.

I attended a couple of Google events, one of which there was a wonderful speaker Thomas Power who had the whole audience engaged when he was talking about Shel Israel’s book ‘Age of Context: Mobile, sensors, Data and the Future of Privacy’ and his explanation of the book to summarise very briefly was that there and will always be new technologies and updated approaches to digital which business owners won’t always be aware of, and if they are aware, they may not be able to find the relevant information out let alone action it.

Our responsibility as Digital experts is to shepherd these people along their digital journey, giving each business a fighting chance to survive in a very competitive climate.

The hardest thing is the getting past the fear. The fear these businesses have is not unusual and it’s also fully understandable. Having someone call you out of the blue to explain something you’ve never heard of can be somewhat frightening.

We are approachable people, who are only so knowledgeable as we have so many years of experience and we’ve been working in this industry for 4 years. Being fully immersed in the digital landscape allows us to tailor our services to suit any business looking to move forward with technology.

If you have questions on anything to do with digital, just ask. It’s what we do, it’s what we’re here for.



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