Reflect Digtal's Head of SEO Helen will be speaking at the next BrightonSEO in September, here's whats she had to say about this exciting opportunity:

Sky-dive. Run a marathon. Visit all 7 continents. These are the sorts of things you would expect to see on a bucket list.  These are the life goals of many people, the sort of lofty ambitions that will stretch their physical and mental limits and cause them to experience rushes they never thought possible. Not me. 

Sky-diving sounds terrifying, I’m so lazy I’ll circle a car-park twice to avoid parking too far from the entrance and Antarctica is cold, people know that right? I do have a bucket list however, and it has had an entry sitting near the top for many years now - give a talk at BrightonSEO

I adore public speaking and SEO is such a passion of mine that the idea of combining the two at the most prestigious search conference in the UK has been a dream for a while. That was why I interrupted a recent Friday afternoon meeting with an undignified “happy dance” when an email came through from founder of BrightonSEO, Kelvin Newman, asking if I would like to speak at the event in September. 

Recent speaking engagements have seen me attempting to sing Britney Spears songs and give my (now often requested) velociraptor impersonation, so I make no promises of what this talk will include. Hopefully though, the audience will come away with some useful tips and tricks for conducting technical SEO audits. 

I’m not a developer and was put off during my early years as a burgeoning SEO from trying to understand how websites work because of this. However, the urge to learn grew too strong and despite still not knowing how to code a site myself, I’ve collated a range of tools and processes for discovering what’s going on under the hood of a website and how to ask people who can code to fine tune it.

I’m aiming to put these years of trial and error and frequent forum stalking to good use by showing other SEOs and webmasters in a similar position what I’ve learned about conducting a thorough tech audit and most importantly, what to do with the findings.

So, if you’re at BrightonSEO in September, I encourage you to come along, if for no other reason than to watch a girl attempting to look like a velociraptor in front of a room of people. No cameras please! 

If you'd like to join us at BrightonSEO a limited number of free tickets will be available at Also, if you'd like to get a flavour of what you can expect, here's a rundown of the last conference from our team


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