Back in early 2014 I penned a blog post with a few of my favourite hidden Easter eggs across the web.  Time has passed and several listed previously, no longer exist. There is still a wealth of hidden goodies out there if you’re prepared to hunt for them. With it being Easter, I decided to revisit the subject and generate a list of my favourites from the current crop doing the rounds. Some are fun, some are useful, a lot are pointless but all will raise a smile one way or the other. Check the list out below.

1. BuzzFeed

Visit and type in the arrows/letters: up + up + down + down + left + right + left + right + b + a.

The entire content on the page turns into a strange dedication to Mark Wilkie, Chief Technology Officer at BuzzFeed…

2. SoundClick

Go to and type in the arrows/letters: up + up + down + down + left + right + left + right + b + a.

BACON! Who doesn’t love bacon?

3. Digg

Head to and enter (again) up + up + down + down + left + right + left + right + b + a.

Simple but a little Rick goes a long way. Mr Astley’s face fills every image space and his iconic tune ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ plays. Ironically, after a short while, he gives up and deserts you…

4. Google Earth

Open Google Earth Application and Press CTRL + Alt + A

Enjoy your flight! Try not to crash…

5. Google Search

  • Head to Google and type ‘Google in 1998’…

You’ll be transported to… Google in 1998. Nothing spectacular but a feeling of nostalgia will wash over you. If it’s too much, simply hit ‘Take me back to the present’ and you’ll be transported back to the present day where everything is a lot less garish and ‘drop-shadow-ey’…

  • Or type "I’m feeling curious”…

Google will hit you with an interesting fact (Like ‘How Big is an Angler Fish?’ - we’ve all wanted to know that, right?) With a handy ‘Ask Another Question’ button below, you could potentially lose a few hours here but lordy you’ll be more clued up because of it. Never will you be stuck for conversation topics again! (The Angler Fish can grow up to 3.3 feet by the way…)

  • Or type "flip a coin"...

Google saves you flipping (and potentially losing) your hard earned by including a coin toss widget at the top of the results. Simply click ‘flip it’ and Google will do the rest. Tails? Sorry, your turn to put the kettle on. Milk, no sugar…

6. Sky Bet

Quick, look busy! have a very handy feature if you simply have to put £5 on the 2:20 at Kempton but your boss is looming. Just above the social icons in the top right corner of the website is a helpful little icon. Clicking this will bring up an Excel document screen, buying you valuable seconds to bring up the thing you SHOULD be doing…

7. Black Acre Brewing

Head to Black Acre Brewing and select “I am under 21.

Just enjoy. If indeed you are under 21, you might not know what the flip is going on…

8. Saving the best of all to last...Reflect Digital

Whilst you’re on our website, type ‘reflect me’ into the search box…



Whilst they seemingly serve little purpose, they are a great way of driving people to your website due to their ‘viral’ nature. If you wish to inject a bit of fun to your website, give Reflect a call!


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