To complete this week’s valentines theme at Reflect Digital it is now my chance to share my SEO bromance.

Personally, I feel that SEO agencies are great at knowledge sharing and has a large number of influencers that have a direct impact on the day to day life’s we lead as SEOs.

I could provide a long list of people that have a positive impact on my life as an SEO. A few would certainly include:

  • Kelvin Newman, who has created such an amazing SEO geeks day out at BrightonSEO and provides excellent training events throughout the year.

  • A slightly lesser known Laurence O’Toole, CEO at AnalyticsSEO/Authoritas – SEO software that is invaluable in my day to day work. Laurence and the team at Authoritas have done a great job of listening to the SEOs that use the software to make it the platform it is today.

  • Greg Gifford, local SEO expert who could be described as an SEO legend and/or complete lunatic! If you haven’t seen him speak then make sure you catch him at BrightonSEO in April.

To those who know me well it will probably come as no surprise that my man crush, bromance, SEO hero is Rand Fishkin, co founder of Moz. I’m sure I’m not alone in my thoughts that Rand has done a huge amount for the SEO industry and I’m not just talking about his impressive moustache! Although it was bitter/sweet to see that he had kept to his deal with Moz and he has now shaved his tash off this month when they became profitable.

Rand Fishkin - Moustache, No Moustache

The SEO software, produced by the team at Moz, is another that has become invaluable to certain day to day SEO tasks and the Moz blog is without a doubt my go-to website for the latest industry news and opinions.

Rand clearly has so much passion for the industry and his biggest impact on my life as an SEO is with his Whiteboard Friday videos.

SEO has always been filled with so many opinions and in reality conflicting opinions are often both correct, as they say “many roads lead to Rome”, and what works for one site in one industry might not be the same for another. Rand’s blog posts and Whiteboard Friday videos have always been great at backing up opinions with data and using a wealth of knowledge to dispel myths that may lead novice (or even experienced) SEOs down the wrong path.

If you have any interest in digital marketing and SEO and you aren’t an avid viewer of these then visit this link and get watching!


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