Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is something, which is relatively new to me. I had heard the term SEO before but when it came to knuckling down and getting tasks completed using SEO software, it was very new to me. Many IT related job roles would not really understand or even know about SEO’s, what they really do and how they can enhance businesses. Personally I never did, I had known about them for a brief amount of time in my university career however after that the subject which, after a short period of time was dropped. My experiences so far make me realise how businesses and organisations all over the world can develop their online traffic just by investing in SEO. Lets face it, you need an interesting website however an SEO campaign can play a huge role part in the online market. After all, what’s the point of having the best designed website in the world, if you don’t have the right audience visiting. When your target market search on the web, whether that be through Google or Ask Jeeves – not that anyone uses ‘Ask Jeeves” anymore – your website should be the first result they see (within reason of course) My first week here at Reflect Digital has opened a brand new learning curve for me in the Internet market. I never realised that SEO’s could play a huge part in the development of your online business.

Businesses who are looking to expand into the online world have to consider SEO as an investment. What SEO’s do specifically is bring the right traffic towards your business in the online world. Essentially the right traffic would mean the right investment. The combination of various tools and particular software all work seamlessly together to create one great opportunity for you and your business and this is what I have learnt from only my first few days at Reflect Digital. As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what and how people search for and most importantly the keywords they use for the search itself. In many respects its quality control for websites, it can dictate whether your website will be on the first page depending on the search result. Overall SEO as a subject field which is so broad to talk about in a blog post, there are many website and articles which will explain in detail. – The Moz Blog is very good at explaining SEO, the common trends and the basic and most advanced knowledge of SEO. Its great! I recommend you sign up and get yourself familiar, if you are interested. It has definitely helped me. – Another blogging site, which has a clear definition of search engines and regular updates in the search engine world.

There is tons of information regarding SEO, search engines and any latest news regarding the field. Overall, I have learnt how such important tools and software like Google analytics and the Keyword Planner with the addition of SEO software can help your business grow in the online world. Its incredible to think that Google has a lot to do with how your target audience find your website, if the price or time investment is right of course. Which leads me to my next point. SEO is essentially a paid service either in physical cost to an agency or a time investment. In return however, it will bring you the right traffic towards your website, which should result in leads and a return on investment. The blog itself is very brief, if you like to hear more about how we deal with SEO contracts, SEO campaigns, or perhaps you want us to re-design your website. Please do not hesitate to contact us! We have some great new imaginative ideas flowing through our design team!




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