Sophie, a sixth form student at Maidstone Girls Grammar School joined Reflect Digital for a week's work experience. Here's how she got on:

My week at Reflect Digital has been truly amazing, it’s really given me an enormous understanding of what the business industry is like and more importantly what digital marketing is. I am currently doing my A-Levels and coming into Reflect Digital has really opened my eyes that school isn’t the only time you learn; you can learn something new every single day. 

Before coming into Reflect Digital I had only briefly heard about digital marketing and from what I had heard it sounded like something that I would really enjoy, but of course, I wanted to make sure it was the right industry for me. Reflect Digital did exactly that, they have shown me all the different types of work that they do and have opened my eyes to an industry that because of Reflect Digital I am super excited to work in in the future. 

The work I was set has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and was really tailored to what I enjoy. I completed tasks such as looking for unlinked brand mentions online for a few different clients and have also looked for legal directories for a law firm, and many other tasks that I have never done before so it has been really exciting. 

At the start of the week I was given an ongoing task to create a presentation that I would be delivering to the team on Friday morning. At first, I was a little bit nervous as I didn’t know what the team would be like, but after meeting them I knew I would be in the best hands possible and I wasn’t worried anymore. It was so interesting to research about Psychology of the Web and I hope that the presentation I have given will help Reflect Digital to expand in this field. 

I have also spent quite a lot of my time researching marketing terminology to create definitions for the Reflect Digital website glossary and have discovered words that I didn’t even know existed such as a “backlink” which is when another website makes a link to your website through a hyperlink. There you go, now you all know what a backlink is!

All of the team have been so supportive and forthcoming with information and have answered any questions I have had. Every morning when I stepped through the door I was greeted with lots of smiles and of course cuddles from Harry the Office Dog. This set me up for another exciting day in the office and every day I knew that I would learn something new.

It has been a really enjoyable week and I’m sad for it to be over already but learning about the internships that are available here has given me encouragement that I might possibly return in the future which I am really excited about! I feel really privileged to have worked with some amazing people and of course a company set up by a lovely lady that used to go to my school! It’s is truly inspirational and is something I will always remember especially when starting my own journey in work.

I’d just like to finish by saying a massive thank you for all the support and knowledge that has been given to me throughout my week.


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