We were delighted to work closely with our friends at the Tiger Awareness Charity to create a heartwarming ‘Save The Tiger’ infographic to help raise awareness to the dangers tigers are in.

The Tiger Awareness was formed in 1988 and is a UK charity that helps raise money for funds in India.

Tiger Awareness work with local organisations in India to help save the tiger and provide funds at ground level to ensure the best use of the money raised.

The infographic was created and provided free of charge for the charity to help give them a creative advertising piece full of jaw-dropping statistics and information to capture the attention of the public.

During the research process, our designer was shocked to discover the alarming truth of how few tigers there are left in the wild and how dramatic the drop in tiger population has been since 1940.

The infographic explores the reasons behind the dramatic drop in tiger population and how we can help prevent tigers from being extinct forever.

We’re sure you will agree that this infographic is gorgeous and impactful.

Take a look at the infographic here and if you feel inspired to help save the tiger, email conservation@tigerawareness.co.uk or call 0116 276 1221 today.

If you would like an infographic designed bespokely to you, your business or a charity, get in touch today.


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