An Introduction to the Best Content Management System for SEO

The old adage “If you build it, they will come” is true of many things – but the internet is not one of them. In order to compete in today’s digital marketplace, you need three things: great content; quality, relevant backlinks and a search engine optimised (SEO) website. Thankfully help is at hand in the form of the best content management system for SEO – the new Scoop CMS.

While the Scoop CMS won’t help you build backlinks to your website (although with our talented team of web developers anything is possible), it will help you publish content that is perfectly optimised for Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. With v2.0 of the Scoop CMS currently in development, exactly how the new and improved content management system will weave its SEO magic is a matter of national security, but there are a few secrets we can divulge. Read on for more information on the inner workings of the best CMS for SEO…

Pingomatic Integration

Scoop CMS v2.0 will feature Pingomatic integration, which will automagically inform the major search engines about your lovely content whenever it is published or updated, therefore taking your SEO to a whole new level. Pingomatic does this by ‘pinging’ popular services including Weblogs, Google Blog Search and Feedburner so that your content is indexed on those sites, potentially resulting in increased web traffic. Now that’s what you call hands-free SEO!

On-Page SEO Checklist

One particular feature that our web design and development team are working hard to implement into our new, search engine optimised CMS is an SEO checklist for the content editor. Designed for beginners and experienced content authors alike, the on-page SEO analyser will take a focus keyword that you enter and analyse the page for common ranking factors that can influence where your website appears in a search engine’s organic search results. On-page elements that are checked include the page title and meta description, image alt tags, internal and external links, keyword density and heading tags. We’re determined to make Scoop CMS the best content management system for SEO, and the on-site SEO checklist is a feature that will take our CMS to the next level.

Search Engine Friendly URLs

One of the most overlooked issues of on-page search engine optimisation by clients, and even many SEO agencies, is a website’s URL structure. A website’s URL structure underpins all future SEO efforts and is an important element of any organic search marketing strategy. To this end, Scoop CMS v2.0 will feature completely customisable URLs; a logical URL structure; www and non-www redirection; and the automatic removal from URLs of stop words such as ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘at’ and ‘but’, if required.

Broken Link Checker

As a website grows and pages are renamed and relocated, broken links can become a real issue – not just for search engines, but visitors too. Few things are more off-putting to your hard-earned traffic than clicking on a link and ending up staring at the dreaded 404 page. As the best content management system for SEO, Scoop CMS v2.0 will attempt to eliminate broken internal and external links by scanning your website at set intervals and notifying you of any broken links it encounters. Exactly how this will work is still being discussed within the web development team, but it is a feature that we would love to implement at some point.

Social Media Sharing

The importance of social media in any digital marketing strategy cannot be overstated, which is why making your content easy to share is no longer an optional feature; it’s a prerequisite function that visitors to your website will expect to see. The new Scoop CMS will make it easier than ever before for your content to be shared across a multitude of social media networks, therefore helping to boost your website’s ‘social signals’ and increase its organic search engine ranking.

Structured Data

Structured data allows search engines to not only crawl your website, but also understand it. Search engines use the structured data within an HTML page to generate rich snippets, which are small pieces of information that appear in search results for reviews and ratings, product listings and other supported types of content. Adding structured data to a page often requires some HTML knowledge, but Scoop CMS v2.0 will make it easy to enhance your organic search listings by enabling you to choose an appropriate structured data type for the content you are writing and then formatting the content for you automatically.

Page Speed

Page loading times are an increasingly important organic ranking factor as far as Google is concerned, which is why the best content management system for SEO will feature a leaner, meaner code base; super-fast page loading times; and clean, search engine optimised HTML output. HTML validation could also become a part of Google’s search ranking algorithm in the future, and with this in mind our development team are working to strict HTML quality guidelines.

Automatic Updates

The new Scoop CMS will constantly evolve in order to take advantage of new technologies and accommodate changes in the digital landscape – including SEO best practices – and in order to achieve this, the ultimate content management system for SEO will also feature the ultimate automatic update feature for clients on our hosted solution. If your website is hosted with us, your Scoop CMS website will be automatically updated to the latest version without you having to lift a finger. And with automatic backups also slated for development, you can rest assured that your website – and your search engine rankings – are in safe hands.

If you are searching for the best content management system for SEO, look no further than the new Scoop CMS. To find out more information about the content management system, or to talk to us about our web designweb developmentSEO or digital marketing services, please get in touch.



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