It’s Time to Talk Day and Reflect Digital are focusing on ways to encourage our staff to talk about mental health and try to break the taboo. 

This week the team has hosted a number of activities over lunch breaks to get colleagues talking and spending their lunch breaks in a different way. 

On Wednesday, Mental Health First Aider Katie organised a walk and talk in Mote Park. The team headed out for lunch to get some fresh air and have a natter whilst wandering around the lake. Not only was this a great opportunity to talk about mental health but a fantastic chance to build strong relationships within the team. 

Today, Senior Account Manager Gemma, hosted a lunch and learn session in the office, teaching the team about her learnings from a recent three-day intensive Customer Experience course with Econsultancy. 

The team plans to continue the lunch and learn sessions on a monthly basis, sharing knowledge with staff members and catching up on recent TED talks in the office breakout space. 

Additionally the mental health first aid team - made up of CEO Becky Simms, Head of Technical Mike Steer, Designer Steve, Marketing Manager Katie and HR Manager Priya - have been planning a strategy around wellbeing in the office, looking at different steps to put in place to help support mental health at work. 

The agency will be hosting bi-weekly yoga sessions in the office after work hours to help provide staff members with a mindful way to unwind after work and allow them a chance/ place to meditate. 

The team will also be holding monthly team-building events such as movie and poker nights, to get everyone chatting and building relationships outside of work.

Resources will be requested from mental health charity Mind, and made readily available for staff that want to find out more information, as well as an internal newsletter being sent to staff to outline what help is available for them.

The agency implemented a4-day week in place in October 2018 to help improve work-life balance and productivity for the staff members. They have experienced fantastic results measured by Office Vibes, showing that staff wellness increased by 26% whilst happiness increased by 38%. 

Read more about what we put in place for Mental Health Awareness Week.




Joanna oversees the PR and Media activity for our clients, including link building and outreach strategies.

She leverages her outstanding relationships with the movers and shakers at household name publications and websites to ensure our clients receive the best coverage and most powerful backlinks. She’s also an expert copywriter and offers reactive PR and media monitoring.

More about Joanna

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