We're so excited to announce that we've signed up to Offset Earth in a bid to help tackle climate change and offset our carbon footprint. . Read the press release below...

Reflect Digital signs up to Offset Earth in a bid to help tackle climate change

The digital marketing agency, Reflect Digital, is going to start offsetting its employee’s carbon footprint in a bid to help tackle climate change. 

CEO, Becky Simms, has signed up to OffSet Earth, which allows a business to offset its CO2 output by planting trees, installing solar panels and wind farms and investing in infrastructure for communities all around the planet. Each project has been independently certified by Gold Standard, an environmental integrity body established by WWF and other non-government organisations.

It comes as the naturalist and broadcaster, Sir David Attenborough, warns today that “the moment of crisis has come" in efforts to tackle climate change and as the news continues to be dominated by the tragic bushfires in Australia.

Becky said: “Offsetting is one of the ways we're reducing our carbon footprint, and OffSet Earth, is exactly the kind of project we've been searching for.

“It invests in projects that remove more greenhouse gases than our own carbon footprints put in. 

“I have been thinking for a long time now how the company can do more to support the environment. 

“I heard about Offset Earth at a conference back in November, so as we were planning 2020 budgets it seemed the right time to get signed up and planned it into our financial year.

“Realistically I think it will only really start to make a tangible impact if more businesses make this a priority and take a step to tackle the climate crisis.

Picture: Reflect Digital staff

Becky adds: “The process was super simple to do, you sign up at https://offset.earth/ by selecting your team number and what level of business travel they are doing, which generates you a quote. 

“This is shown as a financial figure but also shows you your climate-positive impact if you proceed, so for us, it means 324 trees will be planted every month which equates to 31.5 tonnes of CO2 being removed every month.

“For our team, it means they can feel comfortable in the knowledge that as a business we are offsetting their carbon footprint. 

“Meaning any action they take personally or money they wish to donate to climate causes is all climate positive rather than offsetting, they already have that covered.

“Feedback from the team has been really positive that this is a great new benefit we have added, our impact on the climate is not often out of the headlines these days, so it is something we are all concerned about and it’s great to feel that through work we are doing something.

“I would wholeheartedly urge all businesses to start thinking about what they can do to support the climate and how they can minimise and offset their impact. 

“Our climate challenge is not going to disappear overnight and is continuing to worsen, therefore the more businesses that get on board the more impact we can collectively have, with an aim to slow, and maybe one day reverse, the rate of global warming.

Speaking about the move Marketing Manager, Katie Johnson, said: “I’m super excited about Reflect Digital joining Offset Earth, it's great to now be a part of such an amazing scheme that will help to reduce the impact of our carbon footprint on the planet. 

“I'm always very conscious of making eco-friendly decisions and really pleased that our company are now going to be part of a much bigger movement.”

See how you can get involved here.




Joanna oversees the PR and Media activity for our clients, including link building and outreach strategies.

She leverages her outstanding relationships with the movers and shakers at household name publications and websites to ensure our clients receive the best coverage and most powerful backlinks. She’s also an expert copywriter and offers reactive PR and media monitoring.

More about Joanna

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