We're excited to announce that on 19th November, our CEO Becky will be speaking at the Women in Technology event.

Becky will be delivering the talk 'Neuro Principles for Writing Content that Sparks Conversations' - which will be an insightful talk into a number of neuro principles that will allow you to write content more inclusively and copy that's more likely to strike action.  

As marketers, many of us are in the business of writing content whether that be to use on social media, as SEO copy, email marketing etc. Many of us write without considering the impact we can have and that we are writing for humans that are all so different. Yes, we may understand our brand target demographics, but these do not tell us what the intrinsic motivations of our audience are. 

In this talk, Becky will cover a number of neuro principles that mean you can write your content more inclusively and in a way that it is more likely to strike action. You'll be amazed by the fact that you can change the behaviour of your audience by the words you use - you just need to be conscious of it. We all have our own unconscious bias that is almost impossible to spot when you are not aware of it. By being aware, you can write content that will drive more engagement and will spark action, be that increasing enquiries or sales. 

Outcomes of Becky’s talk 

  • Learn a new model for profiling your audience allowing you to understand their intrinsic motivations, unearthing a whole new way to consider copy.

  • Learn about the different ways humans interpret copy and therefore things you need to be aware of to be more inclusive.

  • Learn how you can affect behaviour change through copy, giving you a new superpower.

- About Women of Silicon Roundabout -

Women of Silicon Roundabout is an event to celebrate the successes and innovations of women in the tech industry and it's for those ready to embrace change and wanting to knowledge share and be inspired. 

There is a fantastic line up of speakers, including Olympian Col Dame Kelly Holmes, Karina Govindjji - Director of Diversity, EMEA at Google and Justine Robers CBE - Founder and CEO at Mumsnet.

Register for your tickets here.

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