How to write a press release and contact a journalist

If you’re struggling to write a press release for one of your clients or you have a piece of content that you think is worthy of press attention then we’ve created a handy downloadable guide and checklist on how to write a press release and send it to a journalist.

Download our guide to contacting a journalist and tips on how to write a press release here! 

You’ve got to convince a single reporter or news desk to pick up your story rather than the 100s of others they receive in a single day and tell them why they should cover it. You must remember your content has to be new, engaging and tailored to the journalist or news outlet you are targeting – otherwise you run the risk of it being deleted.  Personally, press releases shouldn’t be too long and have all the relevant information a journalist would need and the main thing to remember when contacting a journalist about it is to be human in your approach! 

We hope this guide will help you craft your emails and press releases in a way that increases the chance of them getting picked up by the press. We hope it helps! 

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