Looking at seasonal marketing campaigns, there is so much potential that can make your idea score. We have showcased four winning moves to think about so you can optimize your campaigns to their full potential.

Think Strategy

In order to get those all-important match points when it comes to your marketing campaign, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve. Is the aim to gain a bigger following? Increase your conversions? Or simply switch up your approach?

Your game plan should always include an analysis of your current processes in order to get a clear view on the opportunities available and how you can build on them. Assess what shot is best and what angle you can play from without losing before delving deep into the nitty gritty.  

A solid assessment on your main competition is also essential to your research process. Having a better understanding of your competitors, will help in the ideation phase when deciding which ideas to develop - vital when serving up a fresh, large-scale campaign. It will also allow you to predict the competitor’s next move giving you a slight advantage in winning the overall game.

Think Precision & Execution

Once you have some options around the angle, organise a meeting with the whole team and get feedback and suggestions from everyone. Everybody thinks differently, so people will have their own opinion and ideas on how to execute a campaign and a combination of these ideas will often be the spark for a great approach.

Content marketing such as, blog posts, social media and press releases act as a great tool to generate even more awareness. These audiences are extremely valuable because they are the ones who will share your content generating the buzz you need.

Remember to monitor the success not only during, but also after a marketing campaign to understand if it worked well, and if so: what worked well? What didn’t work well? What could you have done differently? How can you move forward? Keep all these things in mind to make sure you do not just have one winning move but many at your disposal.

Take A Risk

Risk taking is something the tennis pro knows all too well. Every player has taken a risky shot at some point, but sometimes taking a risk is better than doing nothing at all. This will help your brand stand out amongst the crowd, distinguishing you from your competition. Just be careful not to go so far as to alienate your audience like Shea Moisture did.

PooPouri is the perfect example of how a brand took a risk and it paid off. They took their product, an odour-eliminating toilet spray, and made a campaign through a viral video and from that, gained a following through word of mouth! So do not be afraid to be different!

If all else fails...style it out

So, you might end up getting bad reviews on a certain campaign or you might have spent too much money on an elaborate idea that did not produce the results you wanted, but it does't mean you should beat yourself up about it. Every player slips up now and again – even the best ones! Nobody wants to run a bad campaign twice, so it is important to record your findings and find out why things didn’t go well so they can be avoided for next time.

We hope this has inspired you to get your head in the game this season and for further top tips for serving up the best campaigns, our blog has plenty to offer.


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