In the fast-paced world of AI and social media marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. 

In this piece, we’ll explore how you can improve your Ad performance by understanding how AI can help you analyse user behaviour to gain insights into your customer motivations and preferences.



Understanding user behaviour analysis involves studying how individuals interact with content, ads, and brands on social media platforms. Every click, scroll, like, comment, and share provides insightful data that we can use to our advantage. 

This data, when analysed, can offer valuable insights into what motivates users, what captures their attention, and what drives them to take action. Traditional methods often struggle to process the vast amount of data, which can lead to missed opportunities. AI along with behavioural science helps you to identify patterns and make predictions. Here are some ways in which AI, along with human behaviour insights can transform your social media marketing.

#1 AI-Powered Personalised Content 

The days of generic ads are long gone. AI’s ability to analyse user behaviour enables marketers to step up their game. By analysing past interactions, preferences and purchase history, AI can create personalised ads that resonate with individual users, resulting in higher engagement rates and increased conversions. This level of personalisation can help you understand the different types of audiences more clearly, ensuring that your paid Ad reaches the right people at the right time. 

A study found that 86% of consumers say that authenticity and personalisation are key factors when deciding what brands to follow. Also, according to a study by Evergage, 88% of marketers reported significant improvements from personalised ads. Therefore, with so many companies competing for the same audience's attention, it’s important to personalise your social media ad campaigns, increasing the chance of engagement and immediate action from users.

Along with AI, utilising behavioural science will ensure you create successful personalised content. Understanding your customer journey is essential for effective marketing. AI can help you understand the customer journey by analysing touchpoints and interactions across social media platforms. Identifying pain points and optimising the user experience for better engagement.

Now, let’s break it down with an example. Your favourite cafe utilises AI to personalise its social media ad campaigns. After analysing user behaviour, AI can identify that a particular customer, John, often engages with coffee-related content, particularly about speciality coffee beans. Now, the cafe has created an ad campaign implementation:

  1. Personalised Ad: The cafe creates a personalised Instagram Ad for John, showcasing their latest speciality coffee bean collection
  2. Tailored Messaging: The ad copy highlights John’s interest in unique coffee flavours and suggests that he might enjoy exploring the cafe’s new arrivals.
  3. Engagement: John encounters the Ad while scrolling through his feed and is intrigued by the personalised recommendation.
  4. Conversion: John clicks on the ad, explores the coffee selection, and makes a purchase online.

But what is the impact of this personalised ad campaign? Your favourite cafe now sees a significant increase in click-through rates and a boost in online sales for personalised ads compared to generic ones. Moreover, John has become a loyal customer, regularly exploring and purchasing the cafe’s new coffee offerings.

#2 Predictive insights

AI-powered predictive analytics takes user behaviour to the next level. By analysing historical data, AI can anticipate future behaviour trends, helping marketers optimise their strategies. This empowers marketers to anticipate user needs and preferences, enabling them to adjust their strategies proactively, staying ahead of trends and consumer preferences. A 2023 State of Social Media report says that 45% of leaders believe using predictive analytics to indicate future customer behaviour will be an essential AI application.

For example, social media platforms like Netflix or Spotify use predictive analytics to recommend movies, songs or artists based on your past choices. Similarly, AI can help you predict what type of content a user is likely to engage with and help create the right content strategy accordingly.

Predictive analytics and behavioural science come hand in hand, and they can help you forecast the type of ads that are likely to perform better with specific audience segments. For example, if historical data shows that the majority of your audience engages more with video content, you can prioritise video ads for that specific demographic. 

Behavioural predictions created by AI by studying past interactions, can help you increase your conversions. For instance, if a user frequently asks about delivery time, the chatbot may proactively provide delivery updates without the user needing to ask.  

Moreover, by using AI to analyse user behaviour, you can get insights about your Optimal Posting Time. This will help you schedule posts at times when your audience is most likely to see and engage with your content. Predictive analytics is a game-changer in social media marketing. It not only enhances the effectiveness of paid ads but also allows you to create a more engaging experience for your audience. 


In recent years, chatbots have revolutionised the way businesses interact with their customers on social media platforms. While it offers significant advantages, it also poses a unique challenge: maintaining human-like interactions. While achieving responses that are natural, empathetic, and contextually relevant requires advanced AI capabilities and carefully designed conversation flows, there are ways you can overcome this. 

For example, AI-driven chatbots, equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, are adept at analysing user behaviour to provide more effective responses. Also, making sure you understand how to utilise behavioural science in your business, can ultimately help improve ad performance.

As businesses embrace AI in social media marketing, they encounter several common challenges. But not to worry, there are ways to ensure your experience is as smooth and successful as possible. One way is data quality- ensuring that your data is accurate and complete is essential for AI-driven insights. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to flawed predictions and recommendations. Also, gathering and analysing user data raises privacy concerns, so make sure you navigate data protection regulations and ethical considerations. 

Behavioural science is one of the ways you can address AI implementation challenges. By understanding user behaviour and decision-making processes, marketers can fine-tune AI models, improve data collection strategies, and design more effective AI-driven campaigns. This study shows that 51% of marketers are already using AI, and an additional 27% plan to incorporate it within the next two years. So utilising AI for analysing user behaviour will not only help you improve ad performance but also be on top of the competition, which will ultimately increase your conversions. 



Social media platforms operate in real-time. AI’s rapid User Behaviour data processing capabilities enable marketers to quickly adapt their strategies. If a particular ad isn’t resonating with users, AI analysis can identify this, allowing marketers to make necessary adjustments promptly. By incorporating AI and behavioural science in your social media marketing, you can improve your ad performance today. 

If you are looking for help in elevating your social media ad campaigns, please get in touch. We would love to be part of your journey.


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