My relationship with Marketing started 10 years ago. We have had some ups and downs throughout the years but my love for marketing is as strong as ever.

I worked for a local media company that had 27 local newspapers and 7 radio stations to advertise on. When 'Online Advertising' was introduced to the Media Company as something we had to discuss with our clients I was excited, the fact everything was so trackable was a breath of fresh air. Press and Radio will always hold a place in my heart but the online aspect of advertising took my love for marketing to a deeper level.

Having worked across a number of different marketing channels it was only natural for me to go and work for a Full Service Agency where I could put together strategic, multi channel strategies for a varied range of clients. Each form of advertising provided a different success metric, radio for its reach, social for its influence, PPC for its click rates etc...I literally loved it all. In 2012 I started to work for an Email Service Provider called Bronto and that is where my affair with Email Marketing started.

Email Marketing has instant results (if you have the right database). You can take your customers and potential customers on a journey that can be as creative as you want it to be. So many businesses still batch and blast out their emails with random messages that are never part of the strategy. If done correctly, email marketing should be at the centre of all strategies. It should work to support your Social, SEO, Paid Search and Offline Channels. All of these channels can help build up a fantastic database that can generate revenue for you in your sleep....literally. (As long as automated triggers are set up correctly).

There are different email marketing strategies popping up daily. Someone I follow on Twitter is a man called Tom Sather. He is the Senior Director of Research at Return Path and tweets about deliverability and keeps me up to date with what's going on in the email marketing world.

I was introduced to the brand Nasty Gal a few years ago and found this blog post last year. I absolutely love it! Adding value where possible is something that I think a lot of companies miss out on. This brand is a brand I have been following for years and the story behind it is really interesting. It's had its ups and downs (recently filed for bankruptcy last year.....) however the brand is still strong. I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the Netflix Series about it in April 2017.

Working as an Account Director at Reflect Digital helps keep my love for marketing very much alive. I get inspiration from people I work with every day (as cheesy as it sounds)! The Design, Dev, SEO and Paid Search teams are all experts in their own fields and help me help our clients get the best return possible.


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