Sports Tours

This month we moved Sports Tours onto the web hosting platform Scoop and worked with them to develop a user journey with tagged content at relevant stages.

Initially, the website was one huge bag with lots of content causing user confusion. As a result, we broke up the pages to make it easier for the user to find what it was the needed as quickly as possible. 

We also developed the gallery available to ensure they can display images on any page.

We’ve also ensured the backend system is easier to use for the company and developed the Call to Action’s to help drive bookings. 

Clovis Canopies

This month we also moved Clovis from Drupal to Wordpress.

Clovis Canopies were looking to produce a clean, user-friendly site with seamless user journeys. 

We first moved them from Drupal to Wordpress.

They wanted to include more joined up information throughout the site to take a clearer more informative approach.

We worked to develop a site that was ahead of the competition, had clearer call to actions to promote enquiries, and allowed a seamless search for users to filter to what they are looking for quickly and easily. 

We also worked to Tag content to ensure Clovis where providing the user all the information they require at the right points, and we also introduced a clear, simple contact form to increase conversion and data capture.


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