Last year, our team here at Reflect Digital created a whole range of blogs designed to give you valuable insights, hints, tips and up to the minute news in everything ranging from marketing to design, SEO to social media and PPC to Dev.

Our aim with putting this list together is to share our own knowledge and perspective in areas of the digital marketing world - happy reading!
1. Are your ads doing the best they can to make your promotion stand out from the crowd? Rob is here to help!
2. Watch Nick's handy step-by-step guide on how to prepare images for the web using Adobe Photoshop


3. We've listed some of the most typical email sins being committed on a daily basis 
4. What makes a website ‘mobile-friendly’ and is there a right way to build a mobile website?  Candice explains...
5. Mike highlights how voice search and image recognition are changing the way consumers are finding and interacting with brands
6. Wayne explains why it's so important for retailers to offer the best user experience online to make sure sales are seamless 
7. Learn how to use lists on Twitter so you can filter out the noise and display a stream of posts from accounts you have pre-selected
8. Becky discusses brainstorming and ideation techniques we use here at Reflect Digital
9. Read what our intern Hannah has learned about working here at Reflect Digital
10. Here's a list of successful campaigns which could help inspire you to start thinking more creatively about your content!

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